Pima County Vaccination Campaign


Vaccination Campaign
For this project, I needed to make creative that infiltrated the spaces of young adults. With knowledge of internet app tropes and trends, I did just that. It was key to have a conversation that spoke the same language as the audience to spread awareness of how Covid was affecting our older generation of loved ones.
Tinder Profile Pics
Based on persona's like "Influencer Grandma" and "Handy Grandpa" I took pics that would be sure to get the attention of people on Tinder. How I approached this objective was simple - let's take these pictures like they were "Flexing for the Gram."
Following the trendiest TikTok's at the time, I directed and edited these TikTok ads to feel less like an advertisement and instead something the audience would normally see and interact with in their actual feed all while supporting the goals of the campaign.